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Splashtacular Water Show at EPCOT Center

Splashtacular Epcot Water Show

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Splashtacular water show Epcot

 Splashtacular was based on a Tokyo Disneyland show called "It's Magical: Tokyo Disneyland 10th Anniversary Spectacular".  The premise of the show was that Sorcerer Mickey and other classic Disney characters took the audience though a world of color.  Maleficent then shows up and takes the colors away.  She turns into a dragon and Mickey battles her (like in Fantasmic) to bring color back to the world.  

 The Epcot version of this show premiered November 20, 1993 and was held in front of the Fountain of Nations.  The costumes of Mickey's Future World Guards and the color dancers were the same as Tokyo Disneyland.  The melody of the music was the same although the lyrics were not identical in both shows.  Maleficent was not in Splashtacular although the Evil Alien Sorceress spoke with an inflection very similar to hers.

 The show featured nearly 50 performers and the robotic TerrorsauX.  The computer-controlled fountain was capable of sending jets of rainbow-colored water high into the air (up to 150 feet) and synchronizing action with music.  Splashtacular only lasted for a few months.  The show may have been canceled because it created pedestrian traffic jams and if it was windy, the audience and the actors would get drenched.  The "It's Magical" song used in this show was later reused with alternate lyrics when Disneyland featured it in a fireworks show called "Magical".  The character costumes were later used in the Tomorrowland Galaxy Search show.  The TerrorsauX was often sighted backstage near the Magic Kingdom for many years after this show ended on June 11, 1994.

The Show:  

Announcer:  Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls.  Welcome to EPCOT Center.  We are proud to present a celebration of the power and grandeur of water, the most phenomenal element in our world.  You know, water abounds with life, and in its movement and reflective qualities are found all of the colors of the rainbow.  So, coupled with the universal language of music, our imaginations can take flight.  (Mickey appears on stage and goes on the rising platform.)  Ladies and gentleman, our conductor is entering the platform here in Future World.  And, in just a few moments, we will be ready to present our magical fountain and EPCOT Center's Splashtacular.  

(Mickey taps his baton and “conducts” the water.  Dancers wearing purple and other dancers wearing silver armor that looks like mouse ears on the chest and head rise from the stage.)

Male Soloist:  Our fountain's magic.  Mickey deserves a hand.  It's liquid magic and it's better than any band.  

Chorus:  Join in.  Join in.  Watching the fountain. Join in.  Stay for awhile.  Join in.  Enjoy the music.  Join in the magic.  Join in and smile.  It's Disney magic.  Everything's going great.  With rainbow colors, come on in and celebrate.  Join in.  Join in. We're having a party.  Join in.  Fountains in the sky.  Join in.  Join in the good times.  Let your spirits fly.  

Women Chorus: You came for the magic, and you'll always find it here.  

Male Chorus:  We'll keep making magic for you, (joined by women chorus) year after year after year.  Join in!  

(Dancers carrying flags come out on the stage.)

Chorus:  Join in!  Join in!  Join in, join our celebration.  Join in, join in the laughter.  Join in, join in the magic.  It's happily ever after and there's lots of fun in store so let's soar and join in!  Join in!  Join in!  Join in!  

Mickey:  Ok everybody, I think it's about time to see what this Future World fountain can really do.  Come on baton, do your magic!  

(Mickey conducts the water.)

Women Chorus:  It's magical.  It's magical.  It's magical.  Magical.  It's wonderful.  It's magical.  It's wonderful.  Magical.  It's beautiful.  It's magical.  It's beautiful.  Magical.  It's magical.  

Mickey:  Gosh, this sure is some fountain.  But we need to add a little more color to the scene.  Pink and yellow and blue and green.

(Dancers wearing the colors that Mickey mentioned come out on the stage.)

Chorus:  It's magical.  It's wonderful.  It's beautiful.  Exciting.  It's magical.  It's wonderful.  It's beautiful.  Inviting.  Magical.  Magical. Magical.  You'll find your dreams come true.  Wish and you'll find what you're looking for.  

Male Chorus:  It happens magically.  Watch and see.  Rainbow colors, spread your wings and soar.  

Chorus: Donald!

Donald:  Hello, space travelers!  

Chorus:  Pluto!

(Pluto runs out and barks.)

Chorus:  Goofy!

Goofy:  Gawsh, look at me!  I'm an astronaut!  

Chorus:  Chip and Dale!  

Chip:  Hello there!

Dale: Hiya, space fans!  

Donald:  Wait a minute!  Someone's missing!  

Goofy:  You're right!  Where's Minnie?  

Mickey: Fasten your seatbelts, I'll beam her up!

(Water shoots into the air as Minnie appears from underneath the stage.)

Minnie:  Oh, what fun!  This is the only way to fly!  

Mickey:  Gosh, welcome aboard Minnie!  And say, you're looking great!

Minnie:  Why thank you, Captain.

Goofy:  All crew members present and accounted for Captain.

Chip:  Batten down the hatches!

Dale:  It's time to cast off!  

Minnie:  Ready or not, here comes the future!  

Donald:  Come on, let's go!  

All:  Yeah!

Chip:  The future!  The final frontier!

Goofy: To boldly go where no dog has gone before.  (Pluto barks and Chip and Dale laugh.)  Here we go!  

Chorus:  Make a wish on a shooting star.  Wish for magic and see where you are.  Though it's hard to believe it could be, the things that you see are just so unbelievably magical, wonderful.  Mickey makes your dreams come true!

Minnie (to the tune of “Chim-Chim-Cher-ee” and holding an oversized rose):  Roses are pink. Water is blue.  Roses need water to have their pink hue.  (Tune changes.) And they are pink, pink, pink.  It's the prettiest of all, I think.  Pink, pink, pink, pink.  Pink is the color for me!  (Musical interlude switches back to “Chim-Chim-Cher-ee”.)

Chip and Dale:  Green, green, green.  Nicest color that you've ever seen.  Green, green, green, green. Green is the color for me.  (They dance with green-accented dancers to the tune of “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” and chant “Green!”)

Goofy:  Orange, orange. (Pluto howls so it sounds like “yellow”.) Orange, orange.  (Pluto howls “yellow”.) Orange!  (Pluto barks his color and Goofy retorts back as the background music includes “Step in Time”.)

Donald:  What's the matter?  Break it up you guys.  I mean it!  Blue.  Blue, blue, blue, blue, blue.  

(Every one chants their favorite color while the background music includes “Spoonful of Sugar”.)

Minnie:  Pink!

Chip and Dale:  Green!  

(Pluto howls the word “yellow”.)

Goofy:  Orange!

Donald:  Blue!  

Chorus:  Pink.  Green.  Yellow, orange, blue.  Magic colors, look what they can do.  All these colors, puddle up for me and you.

Minnie:  Pink!

Chip and Dale:  Green!

(Pluto howls “yellow”.)

Goofy:  Orange!

Donald:  Blue!
(Goofy smells Minnie's rose and sneezes.)

Minnie:  All together!

All: Yeah!  

(Smoke appears to the right of the fountain.  Confusion reigns on stage.  A deep-voiced metallic alien appears.)

Deep-Voice Alien:  You Earthlings with your primitive attempts at magic.  I'll show you some magic from my galaxy.  (He makes the Evil Alien Sorceress appear.)

Mickey:  Who are you?  

Evil Alien Sorceress: None of your business!  

Mickey:  But, why are you here?  

Evil Alien Sorceress:  Intergalactic wars have robbed my planet of all color and life.  So we are here to take yours!  And I'm going to show you who's in charge!  Give me that!  (She throws away Minnie's rose.) Say goodbye to your pretty colors and goodbye to your precious fountain!  

Minnie:  No!  No!  No!  

Evil Alien Sorceress:  Away with you!

Goofy:  I think we ought to get out of here.

(The dancers are lowered down through the stage.)

Evil Alien Sorceress:  That's good for starters.  (To Minnie)  And now, for you.  

Mickey (as his platform lowers): Now wait just a minute, whoever you are.  I have a little magic of my own!  (Whistles.)  Guards!  

(Mickey's Future World Guards march in.  They are on stilts.  The Evil Alien Sorceress is now on Mickey's platform.)

Evil Alien Sorceress:  Am I supposed to be afraid?  I've had enough of this.  You want magic?  You want to see some real power?  I've brought a little something from my galaxy.  Something cute and cuddly.  Just for you.  

(The TerrorsauX appears to the left of the fountain.)

Minnie:  Oh!  That's cute and cuddly?

Mickey:  Don't be afraid, Minnie. Ok fellas, do your stuff!  (The guards fire at the TerrorsauX as laser sounds are heard.)

Minnie:  Mickey, it looks like it's up to us!

Mickey:  Quick Minnie, give me the exterminator.  Let's see how you like this.  

(He fires at the TerrorsauX.)

Evil Alien Sorceress:  Terminate him!

Mickey:  Uh oh!

(The TerrorsauX shoots flames toward Mickey.  Minnie screams.)

Minnie:  Oh Mickey!  Mickey!  Where are you?  

Evil Alien Sorceress:  And now, it's time for you to join your boyfriend!

Minnie:  Excuse me, I have to go.

Evil Alien Sorceress: Take this!  

(Flames erupt in the direction Minnie is running.  She runs the other direction.)

Minnie:  Maybe this way.  

Evil Alien Sorceress:  How about this?

(She shoots another flame at Minnie.  Minnie screams.)

Minnie:  Help!  Mickey!  

Mickey: Minnie!  Over here, come on.  Ok, you big palooka, now you really asked for it!

(He shoots at the TerrorsauX with his baton and it sinks down behind the bushes.)

Evil Alien Sorceress:  No!  No!  What's happening?  (The platform lowers down and the Evil Alien Sorceress disappears through the floor of the stage.)  What have you done?

Minnie:  Oh Mickey, you did it!  I was really scared!

Mickey:  Ah gosh Minnie, you don't ever have to be scared as long as we're together.  (Minnie kisses him.)

Minnie:  My hero!  

Mickey: Aw Minnie, and you know, there's always a happy ending.  Here, let me show you.  (He goes back on the platform and it begins to rise.)

Minnie (sighs):  What a mouse!  Oh!  The fountain is coming back!  Goofy!  Look!  

Goofy:  Gawsh, it sure is pretty.  

Donald:  I can look at it all day

Chip:  Hey look at that!

Dale:  Fantastic.  He's done it again.

Chip:  Is that beautiful or what?  Yay Mickey!  

Goofy:  It's ok, you can all come out!  

(The dancers rise up again from the stage.)

Minnie:  How wonderful.  All our friends are coming back too.

Donald:  Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.  

Chorus:  It's magical.  It's wonderful.  It's beautiful.  Exciting.  It's magical.  It's wonderful.  It's beautiful.  Inviting.  Magical.  It's wonderful.  It's beautiful.  Exciting.  Wishes can come true.  It's magical.  You'll find your dreams come true, wish and you'll find what you're looking for.  It happens magically, watch and see.  Rainbow colors spread your wings and soar.  (The dancers and Future World Guard unfurl colored butterfly-type wings.)  Make a wish on a shooting star.  Wish for magic and see where you are.  Though it's hard to believe it can be, the things that you see are just so unbelievably magical.  Wonderful.  Mickey makes your dreams come true.  Magical!  

(Some fireworks shoot up with the water jets.)

Mickey:  Now that's what I call magic!  

Chorus:  Join in.  Join our celebration.  Join in.  Join in the fun.  Join in.  Join in the magic.  There's plenty for everyone.  Join in!  Join in.  Watching the fountain. Join in.  Stay for awhile.  Join in.  Enjoy the music.  Join in the magic.  Join in and smile.  Join in!  Join in!  Join in!  It's Disney magic.  Everything's going great.  With rainbow colors, come on in and celebrate.  Join in.  Join in. We're having a party.  Join in.  Fountains in the sky.  Join in.  Join in the good times.  Let your spirits fly.  

Women Chorus:  You came for the magic and you'll always find it here.

Male Chorus:  We'll keep making magic for you year after year after year.

Chorus:  Join in!  Join in, join in, join in.  Join in!  Join in!  Join in, join our celebration.  Join in, join in the laughter.  Join in, join in the magic.  Live happily ever after and there's lots of fun in store so let's soar and join in!  Join in!  Join in!  Join in!

Donald:  Goodbye everybody!

Minnie:  Goodbye!

Chip:  Goodbye!

Dale:  Bye-bye!

Chip:  Goodbye everybody!

(Pluto barks.)

Goofy:  Goodbye!  See you soon!

Mickey:  Goodbye everybody.  I sure hope you enjoyed our magic!  

This is an unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or Disney theme parks.  All copyrights acknowledged.  Please respect the work I put into compiling both existing and my own information on this site by not linking to any text or pictures without crediting that they were located on this site.
See ya real soon!